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Bob Comperini's Ultralight And Sport Pilot Web Page


Voice Communication Frequencies

Frequency (MHz)Description
118.0 - 121.4ATC
121.5emergency frequency (search and rescue [SAR]), emergency locator transmitter (ELT) signals (five-second operational check)
121.6 - 121.925airport ground control, ELT test
121.95aviation support
121.975private aircraft advisory (FSS)
122.0 - 122.05FSS EFAS (Flight Watch)
122.075 - 122.675private aircraft advisory (FSS)
122.7 - 122.725unicom, nontower controlled airports
122.75air-to-air communications (fixed-wing aircraft)
122.775aviation support
122.8unicom, nontower-controlled airports
122.825aeronautical en route (ARINC)
122.9multicom, SAR training, airports with no tower, FSS, or unicom
122.925multicom, special use (forestry management/fire suppression, fish and game management/protection, etc.)
122.95unicom, tower-controlled airports, airports with fulltime-FSS
122.975 - 123.0unicom, nontower controlled airports
123.025air-to-air communications (helicopter)
123.05 - 123.075unicom, nontower controlled airports
123.1SAR, temporary control towers
123.125 - 123.275flight test stations of aircraft manufacturers
123.3flight schools
123.325 - 123.475flight test stations of aircraft manufacturers
123.5flight schools
123.525 - 123.575flight test stations of aircraft manufacturers
123.6 - 123.65air carrier advisory (FSS)
123.675 - 126.175ATC
126.2military common advisory
126.225 - 128.8ATC
128.825 - 132.0ARINC
132.025 - 134.075ATC
134.1military common advisory
134.125 - 135.825ATC
135.85FAA flight inspection
135.875 - 135.925ATC
135.95FAA flight inspection
135.975 - 136.075ATC
136.1future unicom or AWOS
136.125 - 136.175ATC
136.2future unicom or AWOS
136.225 - 136.25ATC
136.275future unicom or AWOS
136.3 - 136.35ATC
136.375future unicom or AWOS
136.4 - 136.45ATC
136.475future unicom or AWOS
136.5 - 136.975ARINC

Navigation Frequencies

Frequency (MHz)Description
75Transmitting frequencies of fan markers, Z markers, and ILS markers
108.0 - 108.05Commonly used for VOR ramp testers
108.1 - 108.15Commonly used for ILS localizer ramp testers
108.2 - 111.85Transmitting frequencies of VORs. Operated on even tenths (108.2, 108.25, 108.4, etc.) (navigation/voice)
108.3 - 111.95ILS localizers with or without voice. Operated on odd tenths (108.3, 108.35, 108.5, etc.)
112.0 - 117.95Transmitting frequencies of VORs (navigation/voice)


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This page updated on: November 27, 2024
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